Random Songs Of Childhood

I Got by Fast Crew
Straight Outta Auckland. 4 kids from New Zealand: Kid Deft, Diablo Deville, Gemma Copas and DJ Alias. It was the year 2003. They released I Got. By 2004 it had hit Australia. There was no stopping them. By 2008 the dream was over. But in that time they supported Busta Rhymes, which is more than many of us will ever accomplish. I for one, have never even seen the man in person, yet here I am giving you a run down on their career. Strange world eh?
Hot Tip: try singing the lyrics of I Got to the tune of Leonard Cohen’s Halleujah. It doesn’t work but it is probably an improvement.

Fuck It (I Don’t Want You Back) by Eamon
This song has like 33 swears and it went to number 1 in heaps of countries.  Eamon’s emotive lyrics reverberated around the globe. It’s a devastating song. Some stupid fucking, crazy, hag and/or hoe bitch has played the fuck out of Eamon’s heart and all credit to him- the man found the strength to articulate his negative feelings into the best ho-wop song I’ve ever heard. I mean she even gave this other guy head.

and then this…

Fuck You Right Back by Frankie
Frankie has the nerve to come back at Eamon, with the same melody.  Though with better lyrics. I was bitterly disappointed to find out that she wasn’t really his ex. They made such a nice couple after all.

Man those songs are horrible

United States of Whatever by Liam Lynch
It takes until the second verse for this to strike gold. Luckily for you, the second verse takes only 48 seconds to arrive. But before you know it the song has ended. A great moment in American culture, all in the time it takes to count the amount of times a second-hand moves on a clock 89 times.

Do It With Madonna by The Androids
I know there are a lot of words thrown around in honour of The Vines, The Jet and The Wolfmother and their respective overseas success, the Aussie invasion and all that. But it was these guys who truly had the world at their feet. I mean, they came up with the perfect song concept. They name check various female pop superstars and have them played by drag queens in the video. Of course these rock hunks could have had any of these exceptionally famous and successful ladies but graciously they go with their heart and choose instead to hypothetically bang the lady who ushered in the modern pop era. I am sure Madge’s camp had this one on rotation in 2002. Five years later, The Androids released Whole Lotta Love, which wasn’t a Led Zeppelin cover. Sorta like how Guy Sebastian’s Don’t Worry Be Happy isn’t a cover of the singing wall-mounted fish’s 1980s hit.

Not Gonna Get Us by t.A.T.u
I don’t know. An exploitative Russian man realised that by pairing two teen girls in a musical duo and forcing faux lesbianism  on to them, he could create a global hit machine. But hey Lena and Yulia made it work for them and eventually broke the shackles and continued their careers. All The Things She Said was the big one, but they are having much more fun in this video. They hijack trucks in the snow, runover some guy with a cigarette in the snow and ride atop a truck in the snow. All the time singing over a pumping euro beat.

Tipsy by J-Kwon
“Teen drinking, is very bad. Yo! I got fake ID though.”
and then
“Errbody in the club gettin’ tipsy”

Señorita by Justin Timberlake

There is no doubting Justin Timberlake. For a guy who started in a boy band he is doing pretty well. I mean he co-owns myspace which used to be owned by Rupert Murdoch which by my reasoning means that the two have similar ideological reach. Anyway, there is no doubting Señorita is a great song. It is all about JT pining over excotic ladies. Except JT doesn’t pine, he is a song and dance man. I particularly like the fact the song is about a “dark-skinned, voloptuous lady whose attention he is trying to capture,” which is a quote I had verified by the good people at wikipedia. But the  reason this song is here is because of that crazy interlude where JT is all like “Imma bring some real feeling to this just like when I used to perform as a bar act in Central America during my youth to raise money for my efforts to  appear as a mouseketeer alongside other future stars such as Chirstina Aguilera and Britney Spears who is a virgin.” So during this part he gets some saucy call and response stuff going and is really encouraging. Then he says goodnight to the fellas and good morn’ to the ladies.
That’s it.

Move Your Feet by Junior Senior
This one is a cracker. Class sing along stuff. I in particular had a lot of fun butchering it. It came out in 2003 as the lead single from the début Junior Senior album D-D-Don’t Stop The Beat, and hey it did pretty well worldwide for a début single from a Danish Duo. It only reached number 20 in Australia, which surprises me considering the San Fran Sunday Chronicle quite rightly called it the ‘best song ever’. Its highest placing was number 3 in the UK which proves once and for all that the people of Great Britain have the superior music taste – it’s going to be a great Olympics. Just to make this song even better, the accompanying video featured a pixelated squirrel hammering in time with the all important beats before the chorus. Also Senior’s real name is Jeppe Laursen and he co-wrote and produced Born This Way (the song).

The Saga Begins by Weird Al
For a while Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace defined the way myself and my friends lived our lives. We saw the film, tried to read the tie-in novel and floundered around on the second level of the video game. We were 7. That is why this was my song of ‘99. It still stands up as well. Both Don McLean and George Lucas were suitably impressed. I actually recommend listening to this over watching the movie. The CGI is much better after all.

Jesus Is Just Alright by DC Talk
A song of biblical proportions, oh yeah.  Toby Mac provides the rap for this posse. Kevin gives it the rock that it needs. Michael Tait brings the soul to this party. Rap, Rock and Soul. Together they make DC Talk. 
Thank you Christian Television Association.

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